God took my sweet Daddy to Heaven yesterday, 1/27/25.
I really have no words.
And yet God writes this through me-
My heart is broken.
He was on the path to live to 100.
This was sudden.
He had a severe stroke Friday morning in Naples, Florida.
The place I love to be with him so much.
God graciously waited till I could get here to take him home.
I got to hold his hand, that he squeezed back.
Tell him again how much I love him.
Thank him, pray over him, &
Pour out my heart to him all
That God was pouring out of me.
I still can’t believe it.
God’s holding me together.
Like He always does.
As I sat with Daddy in the few days after the stroke,
God reminded me to abide in His Presence.
This isn’t new for me.
It’s what I do every day.
It’s how I keep my joy.
No matter what circumstance.
My life is such a precious gift.
And so is my Daddy’s.
How gracious God is to me.
That he let me hug & kiss
Daddy so many times.
That each FaceTime I could
see his cute face when he was in Florida & I was in VA.
My relationship with Daddy now lives in my heart.
Daddy is still with me.
And always will be.
Death is a sucky part of life.
I am so thankful Jesus died
for us to defeat death.
God is so faithful.
He holds me.
I’m crying. I’m o.k.
I’m crying. I’m o.k.
The thing that helps me the most
is Thankfulness.
My prayers have been thankfulness because it’s true.
God could not have been more gracious.
Giving Daddy such a beautiful full life.
Letting him live his life full out
until He took him home.
That’s what made Daddy happiest.
Working out. Playing Golf.
Being with his family.
Those he loved most.
I’m so thankful for my Daddy.
That God made him my Daddy.
I told him, you are the best Daddy ever.
He is.
That doesn’t change in death.
Death can never take away my joy.
My joy is in the Lord.
Always has been.
Always will be.
Praise the Lord that He freely gives us
This gift.
The gift of Himself.
And Everyday.
Thank you for your love & prayers.
I feel them.
God is filling my heart full with Himself
and your love for me.
Thank you.
Love, Kate